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Looking for the best NBA Betting Markets ? We have over a dozen to choose from and enjoy the best you can bet on:

NBA Legend Ray Allen on Playing Against Reggie Miller

Ray Allen and Reggie Miller are two of the best shooters in NBA history. Whenever someone mentions the names Ray Allen and Reggie. Miller, scoring and outside shooting will instantly come to...

Happy Birthday Kobe!

Born on August 23, 1978, Kobe Bryant would have celebrated his 43rd birthday today! Happy Birthday, Kobe! Thank you for touching the entire world with your greatness and spirit. We miss you every day...

Epic Exchange Between Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant

This MJ and Kobe story is one for the ages! Michael Jordan never hesitated to praise Kobe Bryant even at a young age. MJ saw something in Kobe before anybody else. In 1998, during Kobe’s third season in...

Kevin Durant could be the best offensive player of all time – Grant Hill

There have been great offensive players in NBA history. From Abdul Kareem-Jabbar to Magic Johnson; from Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant and from Kevin Durant to LeBron James. These big players have always...

Luc Longley Shares His Memories of Michael Jordan and the Bulls’ Last Championship

The Chicago Bulls have the spotlight, over two decades after winning their sixth NBA Championship in eight years. ESPN’s ‘The Last Dance’ documented their success, focusing on the 1997-98...

Why the Clippers Didn’t Draft Kobe Bryant, Despite Him Being the Best Workout They’ve Ever Seen

The Clippers told Kobe Bryant he’d given them the best workout they’d ever seen, but said they wouldn’t draft him. Kobe asked why: “They said ‘We want to turn things around with our...

Michael Jordan Played Hard and Practiced Harder

I was fortunate enough to grow up watching Michael Jordan at his peak and I also heard stories about how hard he practiced. MJ’s teammates and coaches always talked about how competitive he was in...

Kyle Kuzma on Finally Sitting Down With Kobe As a Laker

The Lakers traded Kyle Kuzma, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Montrezl Harrell and a first-round pick to the Wizards for Russell Westbrook in what ended up as a five-team deal. Kuzma went from being...

How Kobe Bryant Inspired Zach LaVine

Zach LaVine is one of the best young players in the NBA. LaVine always had that fire and talent, but he just keeps on getting better and expanding on it. He is a true student of the game. You can notice...

Giannis Antetokounmpo Completes Kobe Bryant’s Challenges

“I started playing basketball just to help my family, try to get them out of the struggle. The challenges we were facing when we were kids, but I never thought I’m gonna be 26 years old with my team...

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